『MONO トラック用ホイール(12mmHEX/F&R/ホワイト/4pcs) [JC3354W]](JAN:84593700833) 格安 ショップ』はヤフオクでから01月18日 03時 40分に出品され02月07日 03時 40分に終了予定です。即決価格は1,888円に設定されています。現在359件の入札があります。決済方法はYahoo!かんたん決済に対応。奈良県からの発送料は落札者が負担します。PRオプションはYahoo!かんたん決済、取りナビ(ベータ版)を利用したオークション、即買でした。
For many years the standard option on the Team Associated 1/10th truck has been a proven bearing front wheel and pin-drive rear wheel setup. Times have changed, JConcepts - Mono 12mm hex wheels are the latest accessory available for the Team Associated T4.3 RTR, T5M, T6.1, Tekno ET410 and the Yokomo YZ-2T trucks. Racers have asked for years for an interchangeable front and rear wheel on the T4 and JConcepts has delivered. JConcepts replacement wheels are designed in the popular dish style and available in white and fluorescent yellow. When the racers ask, JConcepts delivers.
The new Mono wheels are the maximum size allowed under ROAR rules and make a statement with their large appearance, slight concave dish shaped design and superior inner rib design. The wheels incorporate an outer glue catch that resists excess glue from running down the wheel face during the gluing process. JConcepts wheels are manufactured using advanced techniques to ensure trueness and durability and are branded with the small JC logo for brand identification and authenticity.
Direct fit for the YZ-2T, ET410, T4.3, T5M and T6.1.
*To use the Mono 12mm hex wheel on the T4.1 it requires JConcepts part #2170 front axle (discontinued), #2081 clamping hex on the front and rear and Team Associated #9880 front steering block.
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