Marketing Channels: A Management View, 8e, a market leader, is known to provide a management focus and managerial framework to the field of marketing channels. Theory, research and practice are covered thoroughly and blended into a discussion that stresses decision making implications. This new edition reflects global, socio-cultural, environmental and technological changes that have taken place within the industry.
Marketing Channels: A Management View, 8e, a market leader, is known to provide a management focus and managerial framework to the field of marketing channels. Theory, research and practice are covered thoroughly and blended into a discussion that stresses decision making implications. This new edition reflects global, socio-cultural, environmental and technological changes that have taken place within the industry.
1969年出版の郵便切手製造の話 美品
稲盛和夫経営講演選集 第1巻〜6巻セット
Financial Academy 不動産投資の学校
株式投資 初心者〜中級者向け 12冊
維新流トレード術 移動平均線技法 維新の会
コロナ後に生き残る会社 食える仕事 稼げる働き方